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- Phone: 417.634.4115
- Mobile: 417.849.0843
- Fax: 417.634.4072
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Liar’s Lake
1226 Liars Lake RD
Sparta, MO 65753
Hi Sharon, Sorry I just saw this today. We will have both for sale later in the year. The mini horses are usually between $75.00 and $200.00 depending on sex, size and color. Mini donkeys generally run from $50.00 to $400.00.
Hi Cyndi, I came across your website through James Maggard and I was wanting to ask you about some of your animals and what you might have for sale. I wondered about the Miniature Horses and Miniature Donkeys, do you have or will you be selling any of them, maybe in the Spring? And can you give me an idea of price? Thank you and please let me know..
I am wanting to make sure that you received my email about my watusi steer, I have for sale. Please respond to the above address. Thanks
Do you have any Zebras for sale, and what do you sell them for.
Do you have any fainting goats for sale? I bought a donkey from you dust buster and how much do you sell them for. Thanks
Dear Casey, I am sorry that I over looked your questions. I am terrible about checking the comments on the web.
Congratulations on your calves. We have found that watusi are a pleasure whether or not you breed or show. They are definitely the show stoppers in your pasture.
If your seller will not provide you with any background information there really is no way to register the calves. The WWA does have a hardship provision, but it is expensive and does require some information. This may be a possibility with the heifer, but would probably not be worth it with you bull unless he turns out to be very exceptional. Even if he does turn out great, without background information a percentage registration is all that would be available and that does not allow registration of his calves.
You are correct that the heifer is possibly a freemartin. This is not a genetic problem it is directly connected to the development of the calves in the womb. When the twins are opposite sexes the female becomes sterile from the hormones that come from the male twin. There is a small possibility that she is fertile, but the odds are against it. Your bull should be fine.
At the present time there is no DNA available that determines the percentage of ‘watusi’ in test subjects. If is, of course, possible, but the background work has not been developed yet on this breed.
Good luck with your calves. Hopefully they will encourage you to pursue the breed further.
Cindi Darling
Please let me know about any Watusa bulls for sales. My Phone number is 1-918-387-2591., cell phone 918-223-5081.
I am new to watusi breed, but very interested. My brother has three now and all are not registered. I have only a bullcalf about 10 months old. My brother has its twin female calf. We got them cheap knowing that the female calf is considered free-martin. Is the bullcalf still fertile? Also will the bullcalf carry the gene of producing a non-fertile calf in the future. The bullcalf is pure dark red with upward horns already with 2.5 to 3 inch diameter bases. The rancher we got them from showed us only a picture of the mother but not the sire to them. He won’t send us any paperwork on them either. So, I was wondering if there is a way to find out how pure the bullcalf’s bloodline is in watusi? Also, if there is and a find that he is mostly watusi, can I register him? Knowing that I don’t have a single piece of documentation on him. My brother is still going to keep the female twin calf and raise her with his others, knowing that she is probably “free-martin”. Any more information and answers would be very very appreciated. Thank you for your time, and I hope to hear from you soon!
Casey Maslonka
Do you have a Face Book page?
Try finding the face book page like this:
This is what is on my account addy on fb. If not look under the Farming and Ag pages that might knock it down also My personal page is lazy B Farm in Pittsburg, Texas.
Sometimes it takes a whuile to get to the right one when you are in different states. Ha Ha
B. J. Baker
Please send an email with any young Watusi bulls you have for sale. Thanks
Hello! I am trying to help my brother-in-law locate a young Watusi bull. I have not been able to pull up your babies that are for sale. Could you please email me with information and/or pictures of any young watusi bulls that you have for sale? Thanks. Have a good evening!