Category: General
Updated on July 12, 2013
We would like to welcome new WWA members Cully and Audrey Tate, of Oark, Arkansas. The Tate’s have just started their herd. One of their purchases was the Foundation Pure cow Liar’s Lake Xanadu by Fonz and out …
Updated on July 6, 2013
Mighty Buffalo
Updated on September 13, 2014
Kori and Friends
My Granddaughter, Kori, is with us 5 days a week. This, of course, gives us many opportunities to snap a photo of her with critters in various situations.
Updated on September 13, 2014
My world..
As we seem to lose more and more freedoms and as I get older I apparently need to scent mark my territory. Thanks Nancy.
Updated on September 13, 2014
The great skunk journey
The other evening while checking the cattle we saw an odd looking lump of black 200 to 300 feet away across the field. I could see that it was something alive and turned the truck to go investigate. …
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